Design & Visual content : Visual System
Music : Thomas Vaquié 
Production : Visual System / Atomium
Based on a matrix of word written by Stéphane Beauverger
Voice Over : Mellow Levy

Since antiquity, men have raised their heads to the immensity of the stars, to try to understand what she said about the world. At the turn of the 20th century, it was the infinitely small who gradually revealed the mysteries and secrets of the atom. At the dawn of the third millennium, humanity discovers that everything, absolutely everything that constitutes the universe as we know it, comes from the burning heart of the stars; that we are, in the first place, their children, in the long time of the galaxies and the wheels that animate us.
While wandering through "A Circular Journey", the visitor explores an Atomium enhanced with lights and sounds from Visual System, according to a journey linking the infinite, big and small. It is a great cycle without beginning or end, except in the improved understanding of what constitutes us.

A Circular Journey soundtrack :

About The Music :

After Act and Talk, Return is the third paâaart of a tetralogy inspired by texts writte.n by Stéphane Beauverger.;;, Composed for a light installation created;/ed,, by Visual System at the Atomium, this piece is a gear, a drunkennessssss//;,,nes, a tribute to Laurie, nomads and idio;ts, :playe-d on many speakers in the><eht.+. ball.- -.,, hat's i t,,.;. . -

A CIRCULAR JOURNEY has hosted "ONE SECOND LATER", a unique live performance on April 24th 2019 at the Atomium Brussels.

Music arrangements : Thomas VAQUIÉ.
Cello : Solène BEAUDET.