Visual & Direction : Romain Tardy
Music : Thomas Vaquié
Additional 3D animation & mapping tool: Joanie Lemercier
Production: Week of Francophonie in Cuba / Nicolas Boritch - Antivj

Le Bestiaire is a 12-minutes long piece that can be seen as a moving painting, mixing inspiration from both European and Cuban artists. Stepping away from the 3D aesthetics typical from video-mapping, this piece goes back to a more traditional way to animate the visual elements. From Hieronymus Bosch to contemporary cuban artists like Belkis Ayón, Le Bestiaire depicts a surreal machinery operated by characters made of bones and shells, all gathered in this ephemeral building brought to life by a digital collage technique.

Third part of Le Bestiaire :

Bestiaire gif 1.gif
Bestiaire gif 2.gif

About The Music :

The music is based on samples of Maurice Ravel Orchestral suite, Rapsodie Espagnol. The track of Le Bestiaire is a dance macabre, the one of the skeletons dancing on a phantom boat from Europe to America. The score is composed like a 1920s cartoons soundtrack, with instruments accompanying all events happening on screen, in a Mickey Mousing way.