Installation / Concept : Romain Tardy
Music Composition / Sound Direction : Before Tigers a.k.a Loran Delforge

Collaboration between visual artist Romain Tardy and composer Laurent Delforge, 365 days of internet browsing from January 1st, 2016 to December 31st, 2016.
Late 2016, Artist R.Tardy found out that despite clearing his browser history on a regular basis and not logging in in Chrome web browser, Google had a record of 8218 web pages he visited during the year, visible as a list of 8218 web links, in My activity section of my Google account, which he didn’t know until then.
History is an involuntary self-portrait of himself in 2016, that he chose to show publicly.

About The Music :

The soundtrack was composed through a radical experimental concept. Following the idea of Tardy’s History, The whole music is the result and the mix of eight CD players playing together at the same time with the fast forward tracking knob constantly engaged. A sonic illustration of Hystory’s visual dynamic where web pages are flickering at an heavy speed.