Installation / Concept : Yannick Jacquet
Music Composition / Sound Direction : Before Tigers
Production : Nicolas Boritch
Video : Laeticia Bica
Dancers : Yamuna Kyamo and Denis Inghelbrecht

An A/V Installation by Yannick Jacquet for the Museo della figurine in Modena Italy.

The exhibition has been curated by Francesca Fontana.

About The Music :

Finger Play’s music is a 10Minutes loop composition.
designed to perfectly complement the latest visual installation by artist Yannick Jacquet. The sonic tapestry of this minimalist piece weaves together a captivating blend of electronic sounds and textures, creating an immersive auditory journey that mirrors the evolving visual landscape.
The heart of the composition lies in its persistent pulse, a rhythmic foundation that remains unwavering throughout the entire piece. Like a beating heart, this pulse serves as a unifying force, guiding the listener through the sonic exploration. However, within this repetitive framework, "Before Tigers" employs subtle variations, allowing the composition to evolve, grow, and occasionally shrink, akin to the delicate ebb and flow of a tide.

The music embraces a minimalist ethos, utilizing repetition as a tool to unearth the hidden complexities within simplicity. The deliberate progression of patterns and motifs creates a sense of fluidity, seamlessly transforming the initial sonic landscape into a rich and multifaceted auditory experience.

At times, the soundtrack nods to the sonic experimentation of Alva Noto, particularly in the way it plays with electronic processing and manipulation. Elements reminiscent of Ryuichi Sakamoto's iconic piano sounds are skillfully woven into the fabric of the composition, adding an organic touch that beautifully contrasts with the electronic foundation.

In this new collaborative piece, "Before Tigers" not only pays homage to the legacies of minimalist composers but also crafts a sonic landscape that is uniquely suited to the artistic vision of Yannick Jacquet. "FINGER PLAY" stands as a testament to the power of sound to evoke emotion, evoke contemplation, and enhance the sensory journey of visual art.