Installation / Concept : Romain Tardy
Music Composition / Sound Direction : Loran Delforge
Production : Mapping Festival

Je rate mon cerveau pré-internet is a versatile audio-visual installation combining digital projection, with light and spatialized sound devices. Collaboration between visual artist Romain Tardy and composer Laurent Delforge, the first version of JRMCPI was set in the inner courtyard of the Musée d’art et d’histoire of Geneva. It establishes a questioning about the archaeology of the present time, and more specifically on the memories of a time barely past and yet already distant: the one before the internet. The title of the work itself, an automatic and erroneous Google translation of a sentence by Canadian artist Douglas Coupland “I miss my pre-internet brain”, refers to our uncertain condition of humans tossed between the still perennial memories of a non-interconnected daily life and the total overthrowing of the situation that we live in today, that deeply modifies our relationship to the world, to territory, to other people and to ourselves.

With a mix of human intervention under the form of reworked interviews, augmented by a graphic creation mapped on the façade of the courtyard, a specific light device and a soundtrack mixing language and sound experimentation, Je rate mon cerveau pré-internet discusses video mapping through a sociological, poetic and forward-looking way.

Audio Block
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About The Sound :

The whole soundtrack was composed as an 8 independent channels ambiophonic piece. The spatial composition was made on location to ensure the most immersive sonic experience possible.
The whole music composition has been driven by a series of interviews made in Brussels in french. The spoken words of the intervenants literally conducted the sound score, that creates a bed of sound supporting, illustration, emphasising the meaning of the text and the visual apparitions.