Choreography : Mami Izumi
Music Composition : Before Tigers a.k.a Loran Delforge
Production : Gotra Ballet | Musica Sacra Maastricht

Cotton is a collaboration between Japanese Choreographer and performer Mami Izumi and composer L.Delforge.
The sonic particularity of this project is that the whole musical composition is made out of only 2 sonic sources.
One is a field recording of a coton factory in Japan and the other source is coming from audio footage ripped from Izumi’s childhood VHS Tapes in Japan
The whole composition has been conducted towards purity, simplicity and letting the time to the music and movements to evolve slowly at their time. Letting the micro details have that spectacular microscopic life of their own.

About The Music :

To see what has been left behind
To think of what we can leave for the future
I would like to go on a journey of childhood memories.
Handmade products are timeless; products made by one single individual. As a child, I have been using and given materials which were produced by my mother, my grandmother, and friends. Those handmade, authentic products have shaped me as a person, for me they express the warmth and protection of the people around me when I was little.
These people transmitted precious values to me through the objects/products authentically from their time.

These values make me stand as a person.

It makes me wonder what we can transmit nowadays in such an environment where everything is produced in mass, synthetically, and far less timeless in use and design. Through this piece I would like to raise the question of how and what people pass on nowadays to the next generation.