Choreography : Jose Besprosvany
Music Composition : Before Tigers a.k.a Loran Delforge
Production : Theatre Varia
Video : Yannick Jacquet
Violins : Simon Thierrée

Espejo is a contemporary dance performance choreographed by José Besprosvany. It was premiered at Theatre Varia in Brussels in November 2015. The music composition was made in a quadriphonic format as there was 4 different audio sources surrounding the audience. The performance was also enhanced by the work of visual artist Yannick Jacquet, who designed a specific scenography for the piece made of projected light on a grid of suspended transparent fabric.


About The Piece and the Music :

The show is presented in three consecutive sections: visual, conceptual, and minimal. A continuous theme of “mirroring” runs through the three sections, acting as a symbol, a creator of images, and a motive for artistic exploration.

The first, “visual,” section explores the relationship between vision and perception, the visible and the invisible. The choreography blends lighting effects, sound, and video projection for a display that tests the audience’s perception and senses.

The second, “conceptual,” section focuses on the interplay of word and gesture, text and movement. A meditation on the history and evolution of choreography, this section contextualizes and frames this special dance of many reflections.

The “minimalist” third section explores the interrelations between dance and a musical piece. Harmony, counterpoint, phase shift, opposition: the dance may become one with the music, or it may take on a life of its own