Choreography : Roberto Olivan 

Music Composition : Before Tigers a.k.a Loran Delforge
Production : Enclave

First collaboration between Catalan choreographer Roberto Olivan and Belgian composer Laurent Delforge. The piece has a sonic particularity as it adds a distinct element from what’s Delforge’s work has been exploring so far. The whole musical composition was made in collaboration with Famous Andalusian Flamenco Master Singer “Imma La carbonnera”. It is therefore a very specific discussion between musical traditions from the south of Spain and the outer limit possibilities that brings electroacoustic composition in the game. The whole singing parts were performed live for each and every performances.

Word of the Choreographer :

Let’s say that each individual has a sort of ‘engine’, a kind of internal voice that acts like a compass, marking the itinerary of our own life with sincerity. Often people tend to opt to switch off this voice and decide to follow the rational way, the ‘logical common sense process’.
Mermaid’s Call is an ode to the instinct and to the emotions related with this magnetism that drags us towards the purest and personal desires that all we have within us. The characters of this show listen their own mermaid’s melody and convert this voice into a main meaning of their existence.

Is that calling what really gives the inspiration to go on in life?