Choreography : Roberto Olivan 

Music Composition : Before Tigers a.k.a Loran Delforge
Production : Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
Visual Scenography :Romain Tardy

As long time partners, Roberto Olivan and Loran Delforge developed thorough the years a way to collaborate and express a dramatic narrative through subtle correlation between music and movement. For this collaboration, they teamed up with visual artist Romain Tardy to create a 1 hour long contemporary dance performance.
Cuculand Souvenir is actually heading towards the essence of this collaboration.
Squeezing the core of the work and peeling off every unnecessary layers to focus on the essential.


About The Music :

As a sort of sonic scenography, the musical medium oscillates between feelings and questions that the piece itself is raising…As Cuculand’s first reflexion path is about looking towards the chaos that’s surrounds our present ways of living, the hopelessness dramatic fatality towards which mankind seems to head to. The Souvenir recalls a past where hope and beauty were still at the reach of a hand.
This contrast between Chaos, Fatality and still the idea of hope will be present in the musical composition.
So the act of remembering is thrown back to the listener through the use of old time footage or field recordings… By the use of electronic or instrumental material that creates by mixing them a sort of uncertainty. The idea is to play upon the associations between certain tones of sound and experiential memory. To find a sonic iconography that could speak and picture the same symbols to every people…
To reach a common lexicon that would speak to everyone and recall the same emotions.