Choreography : Joost Vrouenraets
Music Composition / Sound Direction : Before Tigers a.k.a Loran Delforge
Dancers : Claire de Caluwe, Laura Volpe, Lennart Huysentruyt, Nico Amenduni, Sana Sasaki
Film : Justin Bekker
Production : Scapino Ballet

Recorded in a completely closed, cylindrical space in which dancers and camera are enclosed. In Fall of a sparrow by Joost Vrouenraets, the viewer comes close, very close ...
Fall of a sparrow is set in a completely closed, cylindrical space in which dancers and camera are enclosed. In this video production, with specially composed music by Loran Delforge, the viewer comes close, very close; at the bottom of a naked void in which the body is in control.
With Fall of a sparrow, choreographer Joost Vrouenraets examines his view of theater and his movement language in a temperamental and stylized way.
The choreographer places the piece in the context of the current crisis, in which he embraces the changes - social, professional and personal.
Fall of a sparrow is recorded in the capsule of the former Columbus Earth Center (now Discovery Museum) in Kerkrade. The production is part of a longer-term research in which Joost Vrouenraets explores new ways of making dance.

About The Music :

The whole score of this contemporary dance film has been intricately woven from the ambient sounds captured during the dancers' movements and breaths within a distinct and totally closed cylindrical space. As the choreography unfolded within the unique acoustics of this setting, composer Loran Delforge meticulously recorded every nuanced sound – from the swish of fabric to the exhale of breath – as they reverberated throughout the environment. Employing three sets of stereo microphones to capture diverse focal points, along with a binaural microphone arrangement, the musical composition gradually took shape as the final component of the production. Crafted within the studio, it harmoniously layered upon the visual and auditory sequences of the video edit.