Choreography : Joost Vrouenraets
Music Composition : Before Tigers a.k.a Loran Delforge
Production : Jan Van Eyck Institute
Photography : David Pesken

Collaboration between dutch choreographer/performer Joost Vrouenraets and composer Laurent Delforge, “Diapositive is a “long duration” semi-improvised contemporary dance piece. The original showing took place at the Jan Van Eyck Institute for fine arts, design and reflection in Maastricht [NL]. The piece last no less than 10 hours. All shaped around a randomly projected selection of David Peskens pictures.

The performance tends to mirror, react and face the emotions each and every pictures could eventually provoque to the performers.

About The Music :

If one has to think about composition in a very long duration as it is the case for this performance, (Ten hours of sound and movements without a break! ) One could either definitely write a ten hours structured piece, perform a totally improvised 10 hours live act or mix improvisation with a certain sense of structure. The last option is the one we developed for this performance. Constructed around cycles of 5 to 7 min, the performance approaches repetition, and improvisation inside a written structure. These cycles are all composed of the same structural elements, giving also the performers a sense of time reference. But within and between these elements, every cycle is a totally new sonic and choreographic proposition.